A week later we were privileged to pick-up Jessie Ozoux, from New Caledonia, at the SLC airport. She lived in the Fiji Church School Dorms. We took Jessie to our home and fed her an early dinner before taking her to the Provo MTC to begin her mission. About a week before the end of January, we got a call from Soko Ukuvakaloa. We knew Soko in Fiji and helped get him to BYU-Hawaii. He had notified us at Christmas time last year, that he would no longer be attending BYU-H. He called us to tell us that he had a ticket to come to our place. That was a bit of a shock. What? I think he was trying to find a way to stay in the US and not return to Fiji, thinking he could just come live with us and find a job or something. We picked him up at the airport January 24. We looked into different options to help him stay in the states, but couldn't find a way to keep him here legally. He also has friends in Mantua so he went up and spent about 10 days with them. Soko got a good exposure to true cold and snow and Utah weather. He came back to our place a couple of days before Kim's surgery to learn from us that he had to go home. Abbie surprised us about the same time coming here to support Kim during his surgery. On February 19 we said goodbye to Soko and then on the 20th Kim had surgery. Abbie and the kids left the next day seeing that all was well with her dad.
In April Kim was strong enough to drive to California to be with Macie for her baptism. Then for spring break the Schramms and O'Neils met up in St. George. We all had a great few days together. In May, Abbie tearfully sad goodbye to her dear child-dog Ginger. She knew the day was coming but it was still hard and Ginger is still missed today. In June, I flew to Kansas City, picked up my mom from my sister's house and flew her back to spend a couple of weeks with us in St. George. The weather was hot but it was nice to have her. She was able to visit with Hollis and Cindy and some of her grandchildren. My sister Joy's daughter, Gen and her family came for a day. My brother, Hollis's son, Joe and his family came and visited. Katie was able to come down with her kids. And Millie just lives around the corner so she and her kids got to visit my mom as well.
After returning back to Orem, Kim's oncologist decided he wanted a 3 month CT scan from his lung surgery. We were all surprised to find a new nodule on the top of his left lung. Dr. Smit was baffled but said it had to come out ASAP. A new surgery was scheduled for July 11. The surgery would be done the same way, with laparoscopic, but would be less dangerous and much faster. The tumor sat on the top of the lung and would only need a wedge removed. The procedure took 2 hours and Dr. Smit came out with all smiles saying the tumor was NOT cancerous and the lymph nodes he removed were clean as well. This made more sense to him then having another cancerous tumor. So it was very good news. However, Kim didn't recover as easily. He had a lot more pain and wasn't able to get up and walk as soon. The doctor just kept saying, every surgery is different and you can't compare them. Kim stayed a day longer in the hospital and even when he came home he wasn't doing real well. He soon though was back up and going. Now, 6 months after having 2 lung surgeries, he is clear of cancer. Even to this day, though, he still suffers from chronic nerve pain under his ribs in his abdomen.
The rest of the summer was pretty uneventful. In September, we were able to go on a cruise with friends in our neighborhood, Beth and Karl Gadd. We flew to London, spent the night in Windsor right across from the Windsor Castle and in the morning went to South Hampton where we boarded a Princess Cruise. It was one of my favorite cruises we've been on. We went to Cobh, Dublin, and Belfast Ireland, Holyhead Wales, Shetland Islands, Invergordon Scotland (Loch Ness), Edinburgh, and Normandy France. We saw amazing country, learned interesting history and had great weather. We loved every bit of it.
We have had a mild fall and beautiful fall foliage in the mountains. In October we attended the ITEP Mission reunion where we were able to reconnect with both of our coordinator couples, Craig and Jackie Poll and Bill and Ravae Johnson, and another couple, Brent and Carolyn Blackburn, that had served with us at the Fiji College in 2019. We love all six of them so it was rewarding to see them again. The following day we had the Fiji Mission Reunion with Brad and Susie Markus as the mission leaders. There were so many young missionaries that had served in Fiji after covid and several senior couples that we served with in 2022. Another wonderful and rewarding evening.
We spent Thanksgiving in St. George with Millie and her kids. A former Chinese Student of Kim's, Li Wang, who now lives in Ohio came and spent the week-end with us as well. He spent Thanksgiving with us in 2021 and Christmas last year. Katie and Brandon were suppose to have Thanksgiving with his family but the O'Neils weren't able to get together so they joined us with our festivities. The week before Thanksgiving, Kim and I went to Disneyland for the trip we were suppose to take back in January before his cancer diagnosis. The day after Disneyland, we drove up and surprised Abbie and the kids for a few days visit. Abbie had no idea we were at Disneyland or coming to her house. It was a great surprise. She was so confused. Thanksgiving night we all went and saw Wicked! It was so so good. Then 2 days after Thanksgiving when we took Li back to the airport in Vegas, we flew to Denver and visited Annie and her girls. Brinley was still there from Thanksgiving so we got to see her. She wanted to see Wicked so bad. WE were fortunate to find tickets at the last minute--on the 2nd row but that was okay. It was worth it. Besides we had recliners and when you recline all the way back, you eventually get use to be so close to the screen. We got to see Wicked twice in less than a week. Fantastic. We were thrilled to get to see ALL of our kids and grand kids in November. Couldn't ask for a better Thanksgiving.
December began was great news. Kim had his six month CT scan and it was clean and clear. What great blessings we have received this year. We feel very grateful for every day of life. We have been busy preparing for the Holidays. We have enjoyed time with Katie and Brandon and look forward to Abbie and James coming a couple of days before Christmas. The house is decorated, the gifts are bought and activities planned. I love the celebrations of Christmas. We are so grateful for the love and support we have received this year from family and friends. I love taking the time to focus on the reason for this season. Jesus Christ was born so that we all could live. May you all have love, hope, peace and joy as we celebrate the birth and life of Jesus Christ.
December Update:Abbie and James arrived late Sunday night before Christmas. On Monday, with the O'Neils, we all went up on the Front Runner to Salt Lake and spent the night. The Christmas lights were a bit of a disappointment but the candy windows never disappoint. Unfortunately, Kyson has been sick all day so he and Brandon had to spend the evening at the hotel. After a short swim, we opened the traditional pajamas and put kids to bed. Esme and Indy shared a room with Kim and I. Sometime in the night Indy got frustrated with Esme for taking up all the bed and decided to go find her parents. We never heard her leave. After finding what she thought was Katie's room but finding it locked and no one answering her timid knock, she started knocking on other doors trying to find her parents. A man answered one of the doors and then shut it again. He called the front desk who sent up their in house police officer and security. They took her down to the lobby and tried to figure out where and to whom she belonged. Because all the rooms were registered in our name it was a difficult process. At about 5 a.m. the Schramms got a loud knock on their door. It was the police officer. He wanted to know if Indy belonged to them. He told them Indy's parents were next door. Brandon was awakened by a very loud knock. He sleepily answered and tried to figure out why the police officer had Indy. He got dressed and went down to the lobby with the police where he found Indy watching TV and eating M&Ms. She didn't seem upset or worried--which is not Indy at all. She is the worrier in the family. The police said they had been trying to find her parents for 3 HOURS! WHAT??? We are grateful that nothing horrible happened and that they were able to put the puzzle pieces together and find Katie & Brandon. I feel HORRIBLE that she "escaped" our room without me hearing her. I always latch the inside lock at hotels but for some reason I hadn't done it that night. I don't think I'll forget that one again. After breakfast, Tuesday we went back home on front runner.
Tuesday night, Christmas Eve, we had dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in Provo. We've been doing it for many years and it is usually empty. This year they were super busy. Afterwards, we went to the Provo Cemetery where we put ice candles, lighted wreaths and luminarias on the graves of Meggie, our daughter, Cleo and Ornal, Kim's parents and David Roper, Kim's nephew. When we got home, Kim took the kids in the back of his decorated truck and they sang jingle bells as he drove around the block. Katie sat with the kids to do safety patrol. Then we had cookies and hot chocolate while we read the story of Jesus's birth from the Bible. And then it was time for Santa. I almost love Christmas Eve more than Christmas Day.
The day after Christmas, we finally got some snow. It wasn't a lot but enough for the kids to play, have some snowball fights and build a couple of snowmen.
Thursday night James was having SEVERE abdominal pains. He's been having them the past 4 nights as well but Thursday was worse. Abbie ended up taking him to the Emergency Room where they found he had gall stones and one was stuck in the neck on the gallbladder. So, Friday was spent in surgery removing the gallbladder and recovery. He had to stay until Saturday when they had to do another procedure to get the stone out of the ducts. Finally he made it home Saturday night in time to see the last half of the Alamo Bowl and watch BYU defeat Colorado.
Sunday night, the Schramms packed up and Abbie drove their family to St. George. Monday was spent driving the rest of the way home. Christmas is officially over. I absolutely love the holiday season, having family here-with all the craziness and mess and drama. Eating lots of delicious food, laughing and talking and simply loving life.
2024 was a great year. Let 2025 Begin. Happy New Year Friends and Family! We love you!
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Kim and Rhonda