Monday, December 21, 2015

2015! Another year has come and about to be gone!

I've gone through my pictures and tried to show just a few of the year that we've had.  That was a pretty hard task and a few pictures turned into quite a few pictures.  The good thing is you can scroll through them as fast or as slow as you like.  We've been blessed with much love, peace and happiness.  We wish you all a Wonderful Christmas and hope that your 2016 is fabulous.

Our family tradition of Christmas Pajamas came to be at Thanksgiving this year, since everyone will be spending Christmas at their own homes. Brinley was sick that night and we didn't get a picture of their family.  :(

The O'Neils: Katie, Esme, Brandon, Kyson

The Webbs: Millie, Ellery, Jacob, Aayla

The Schramms: Ginger, James, Abbie, Baby Girl

The Ropers:  Rhonda, Kim
The Whole Gang: Kim, Rhonda, James, Abbie, Katie, Brandon, Kyson, Esme, Aayla, Jacob, Ellery, Millie, Meggie, Rob, Annie, Robi, Brinley

This year:
Abbie says good-bye as she gets ready to start a new life with James in California.

Meggie gets a Valentine's Dance with Grandpa.

Annie & Rob visit Abbie & James in California.
Then they say good-bye to their home in St. George and move to Castle Rock, Colorado.

Rob, Robi, Brinley & Meggie:  new adventures in a new state.
Ellery was baptized in April.

Lots of Visits to California:

A big announcement from Abbie & James:
A baby girl is coming to the Schramms in March.  Yay for Girls! 

We had a Dixon Family Reunion in the summer. 
Katie, Brandon, Kyson & Esme with Grandma & Grandpa Dixon.

Millie & Jacob had a big trip to Machu Picchu.

They also got a new kitty this year, Nacho.

Had a few runners again this year.  Brandon & Katie did a marathon.  Brandon, Annie & Rob did the Disney 1/2 Marathon and we did the traditional 4th of July 5K.  James, Kim & Rhonda did the 5k at Castaway Cay. James also did a half ironman but sadly I have no pictures to prove it.  

All the sisters with their families got together in St. George for Labor Day.  We surprised them and joined them for the last day.

Cousins: Kyson, Ellery, Meggie, Aayla, Robi, Esme

       Sisters: Millie, Katie, Abbie, Annie

Abbie & James had their turn to cruise with "mom & dad"!  We went to St. Thomas, St. Martins and Disney's island, Castaway Cay.  We were able to spend a couple of days at Disney World.

Kim Turned 60 This Year!  Oh my!  That's a lot of candles.

Here's some other fun pictures of family. 
Kyson is all boy.  He likes dirt--a lot!  

they did the dirty dash!

The Guillena's cat unexpectedly died so they had to get a replacement.  Meet Taco!

We all met in St. George for Thanksgiving.  We have truly been blessed with a great family.
Here's Kim's newest toys.  They were a big hit with everyone!

Puzzle Time:

"The family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children."

Merry Christmas

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