Friday, December 17, 2010

KIM & RHONDA: 2010 has proven to be another great year. Kim finished his first year at North Point Elementary. He loves his new school and is enjoying a very successful second year there. I finished teaching my 10th year in Reading Recovery at Vineyard Elementary. This fall I was transferred to Mt. Mahogany. It was a little scary to go somewhere new, but it has proved to be a good change. I am enjoying it there and learning from other teachers.

KIM and JACOB made an amazing water feature in the backyard this summer. Neither one really knew what they were doing but it turned out beautiful. I think they are both proud of their accomplishment. With several newly planted perennials, the backyard is now official done.

We are both still serving in the church in the BYU 22nd Stake. It’s great to rub shoulders with amazing young men and women. They are great examples.

Kim and I had a great time on an Alaskan Cruise this summer. The scenery was beautiful.We’re ready to go again.

We love spending time with our family. We were able to go to Arizona in June and spend a week with Annie & Rob and their girls. Katie and I made a quick trip down when Robi was born in August. My family had a family reunion this summer so we got to see all of my siblings and parents and many nieces and nephews. Sundays continue to be the best day of the week as we have dinner with the whole family. It's fun to have Millie and Katie in their own homes so that we can go to their places once a month.

We have strong testimonies of the Savior and grateful for this time of year when we can pay special tribute to Him. We hope that you all have a very


and a Fantastic, Safe and Happy 2011!


  1. Love the blog! Can't believe there is so much estrogen in the family!

  2. I loved reading all this! You guys are all so cute and fun. I hope this next year is even better!
